Danielle – Director/Speech Pathologist

Danielle is the founder of Step by Step Learning. She has a passion for working with children, particularly in children’s education. She completed a Bachelor of Health Science majoring in Speech and Hearing Sciences at the University of Sydney. Danielle has since completed a Masters of Speech and Language Pathology at Charles Sturt University. Danielle provides speech pathology services to paediatric school aged children within the local area.

Danielle was inspired to study speech pathology following work experience in the field, and seeing the direct impact a speech pathologist can have on the lives of children and their families. Danielle places great value on building confidence and self belief in each child she works with, which she believes leads to a more fulfilling, enjoyable and effective learning experience.  She has worked closely with children who have a range of disorders including speech and language delays, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Global Developmental Delay, Intellectual Disability, Childhood Apraxia of Speech and literacy difficulties.

Danielle provides treatment to children with language delays, speech sound difficulties, stutters, and those requiring support with their social skills development. Danielle also has experience using Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) devices to broaden her clients’ communicative abilities. She has a particular interest in literacy, speech sound disorders and motor speech disorders.

In her capacity as a speech pathologist, Danielle has worked collaboratively with primary and high schools, and has directly observed the isolation students can feel becoming lost in a class of thirty students. Danielle recognises the importance of regular communication with classroom teachers to gain an understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of individual students which can impact on their ability to participate in the classroom.

Danielle is passionate about working alongside parents to implement a family centred approach throughout the assessment and therapy process. She understands the importance of motivation and engagement during sessions, and is adaptable to each individual student/client to maintain engagement and achieve optimal results. Danielle is also committed to her professional development and continual learning, which ensures that the therapy approaches she implements are based on the latest research evidence in her field.

Danielle’s experience allows her to employ a holistic approach to teaching, with her primary aims being to build confidence through creating a positive learning space whilst motivating and exciting students to learn.